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This album of bamboo flute is accompanied by piano, presenting a small and beautiful chamber music style. "Madame White Snake" performs the rhymes, and the tunes are like singing chanting ancient love stories. This song and "Going to West Gate" are both popular hits in performance and competition. "Going to West Gate" expresses that the stranded newlyweds feel helpless for life but still longing for ideals. And the whole song is full of tension. The song "Nostalgia" based on the Taiwanese traditional opera has a strong sentiment. The composer's first performance not only interprets the character, but also witnesses all-round artistic achievements


曲目 Tracks:

1.走西口 Going to West Gate

2.望鄉 Nostalgia

3.白蛇傳 Madame White Snake

(1)許仙結緣 (2)法海弄術;水漫金山 (3)雷峰夕照


鳴石音樂 出版發行

望鄉・台灣 Nostalgia・Taiwan

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