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This album is a collection of the repertoire performed in the music concert "Prologue for a Giant Bamboo”, held at National Concert Hall on Sep. 20th in 2000. In this concert, Chen Chung Shen performed his own compositions, which were the fruition from his years of creation, bearing particular significance in the history of bamboo flute in Taiwan.

The music piece of “Playing the Role of God” won the Best Composition Award in 2017 Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music. The album was nominated for Best Traditional Music Album. Chen was also nominated for Best Musical Performance Award and Best Producer Award in 2017 Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music.



1.扮仙 Playing the Role of God - a ritual drama of Taiwanese traditional religion

2.在那草原上 On the Grassland

3.草螟弄雞公 The Coquette Teases the Doyen

4.躍馬長城 Prancing Horse Great Wall

5.搏浪 Fighting with Waves

6.石榴花開 When Pomegranates Bloom

7.小童 The Frolic Kids


作曲 Composer/陳中申

笛子獨奏 Dizhi (Bamboo Flute) solo/陳中申、林慧珊

樂團 Chinese Orchestra/台北市立國樂團附設青年國樂團





扮仙 - 陳中申笛子獨奏專輯 聽見品仔聲系列(三) Playing the Role of God

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