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本張專輯為現代作曲家為笛子所做的當代藝術作品,笛子音色多彩、技巧繁複,刺激作曲家無極限的想像力!突破傳統民間音樂語法,為笛子開創了新的語言與聲響。 ・2005年“四度空間中竹笛與肢體、電腦的對話”音樂會現場錄音。


・入圍2019年傳藝金曲獎 最佳演奏獎。


This album is the contemporary art of Dizhi (bamboo flute). Inspired by the various sound and articulations of Dizhi, the new age composers are stimulated to break through the traditional language of folk music, and create the modern style of Dizi performance. This album is live-recorded form the selected repertoire of the concert ”The Dialogue Between Dizhi and Limb, Computer in Four Dimensional Space” held in National Concert Hall in Taiwan in 2005. The performance was combined to several new media such as the light projection and the Midi sound effect generated by the sensors on musician’s limb, which gave the audience a whole new experience of enjoying music in the concert hall.


・This album was nominated for Best Musical Performance Award in 2019 Golden Melody Award for Traditional Art and Music


1. 孤影(作曲:許揚寧) Lonely Shadow

2. 隨緣流轉(作曲:劉昱昀) Go with the Flow

3. 旋舞女(作曲:錢兆熹) A Story of a Whirling Dancing Girl

4. 密林深處(作曲:周成龍) Aboriginal Style Deep in the Jungle

5. 傳統?(作曲:周熙杰) Tradition?


鋼琴 Pianist / 游翠鈴

小樂隊 Chinese Chamber Orchestra / 風疊絲竹室內樂團


孤影 - 現代笛子作品專輯 Lonely Shadow - contemporary bamboo flute music album

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